Privacy Policy

Policy for protecting personal information

THE KITANO HOTEL TOKYO / KITANO GODO TATEMONO INC. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) fully recognize the importance of the personal information of our guests and are committed to handling such information carefully. The Company will strive to promote the following efforts in order for us to provide better products and services and assume the responsibility to protect the personal information of our guests.

1. Compliance with laws and regulations

The Company will comply with Act on the Protection of Personal Information and any other related laws and regulations.

2. In-house system

With respect to the handling of personal information and the required system, the Company will develop in-house regulations and other rules necessary for each service, improve the organization by appointing responsible managers, and establish a system to protect personal information.

3. Collection of personal information

In the event the Company collects any personal information from our guests, the Company will clearly specify the purpose of use, obtain consent from guests, and then collect personal information to the extent necessary for accomplishing the purpose.

4. Use of personal information

When using any personal information of our guests, the Company will use such information only within the scope of the foregoing purpose of use and will not use it beyond the scope of the purpose of use.

5. Joint Use of Personal Information

To provide services with high-added value, the Company makes joint use of personal information in the following manner. If the handling of personal information is stipulated elsewhere, those stipulations shall be obeyed.

  • Personal information that is jointly used:

    Name, e-mail address, address, telephone and fax number, place of employment, address of place of employment, place of work department, occupation, telephone and fax number of place of employment, password, credit card information, anniversary.

  • Scope of joint users of personal information


  • Purpose of usage of personal information:

    Provision of accommodation, events, restaurant services, etc.

    Provision of accommodation reservation services

    Provision of online reservation services

    Delivery by direct mail and/or e-mail of the latest information, promotional information, and product/service information offered by the Company

    Market survey including marketing analysis and product development

    Reference used to select the type of information sent to Members

  • The Company is bearer of responsibility for the management of personal information.
6. Accuracy assurance

The Company will take appropriate measures to assure the accuracy of personal information of our guests and keep it up to date.

7. Safety management measures

The Company will strictly manage the personal information of our guests and implement any preventive and safety measures against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, or other damage.

8. In-house training

The Company will provide adequate education and training to our employees with respect to the protection of personal information and keep every employee of the Company informed about the content.

9. Supervising parties to whom personal information is entrusted

In using any personal information of our guests, the Company may entrust such personal information to any third party within the scope of reasonable use. The Company will supervise and obligate such third parties to strictly manage such personal information.

10. Restriction of provision to any third party

The Company will not provide or disclose any personal information of our guests to any third party without the consent of the guests except as required by law.

11. Disclosure or correction of personal information

With regard to the personal information of any guest that the Company obtains, if such guest wishes to confirm or correct any personal information, the Company will promptly respond to the request to the extent reasonable and necessary.

12. Continuous review

The Company will strive to continuously review and improve the regulations for the handling of personal information and organizational structure to implement the regulations to assure effective and proper operation in a sustained manner.

Retained personal data held by the Company and purpose of use thereof

Purpose of use of retained personal data held by the Company.

  • Sale of goods, provision of general and subscription services, and other responses associated with the preceding.
  • Delivery and provision of information regarding merchandise, services, preferential treatment, events, and other services of each of the Company and THE KITANO HOTEL NEW YORK.
  • Handling of inquiries and requests for documents.
  • Improvement of merchandise and services to reflect the comments and requests of our guests.
  • Creation of basic data required for the performance of analyses necessary for management, including customer trend analysis and market research, as well as the creation of statistical data, but which cannot be used to identify a specific individual.
  • Performance of obligations and exercise of rights by the Company and other activities in relation to the operation of the hotel.
    Personal data held by the Company

    Complete data relating to prearranged accommodations and past results

    ID exclusive for online reservation

    Complete data relating to banquet reservations and past results

    Restaurant and bar reservations booking

    Complete data relating to past results of use of restaurant and bar

    Complete data relating to the Corporate Contract

    Complete data relating to the restaurant and bar members

    Complete data relating to general customers and guests

    List of participants in questionnaires concerning the organization and running of hotel events

Concerning the access log of our guests

The Company will record information of those who access the websites via an access log for the purpose of improving services and for the convenience of our guests. The information recorded will include the time and date of access, pages accessed, domain name, IP address, and type of browser (Internet browser software) but will not include any information that enables the identification of any individual. The Company will use such information only for the purpose of statistical analysis of the use of our websites and not for any purpose other than the foregoing.
In recording the access log, a cookie and a Web beacon provided by the service provider with whom the Company entered into a contract will be used. The cookie is a piece of information sent to the user’s browser from the server that manages the websites when browsing them. By using such cookie, the server will record which page of the website is visited by a certain computer but is unable to identify any individual visitor. Furthermore, the Web beacon will function together with the cookie as a technology to determine how many times a certain page has been accessed.
Any of our guests may refuse to accept cookies by changing their browser settings. Our guests may also refuse the Web beacon by refusing to accept the cookie.

Disclosure request
1. The following person may demand the Hotel to disclose or make a correction, addition or deletion or cease to use (“disclose etc.”) the retained personal data:-
  • the said person;
  • attorney in fact delegated by the said person; and
  • statutory agent of the said minor or adult ward.
2. Identification of the retained personal data covered by the disclosure request

When requesting to disclose etc., our guests are requested to identify the retained personal data to be disclosed. However, please note that any personal information that falls under any one of the following will not be included in the information subject to disclosure.

  • ny information that does not fall under the retained personal data
    Any information that is scheduled to be erased within six (6) months
  • Any information that is not subject to disclosure pursuant to the provisions of Article 28 of Act on the Protection of Personal Information;

    Disclosure of any information may impair the rights and interests of the person in question or any third party

    Disclosure of any information may seriously affect the proper performance of the Company’s business

    Disclosure of any information may result in the breach of any other laws

  • Any information the disclosure of which is prohibited by law.
3. Scope of disclosure etc.

The scope of disclosure or correction, addition or deletion or cease of use or deletion (“disclosure etc.”) will be limited to the address and name of the person in question and to our purpose of use, as well as to those included in the retained personal data collected and held by the Company.

4. Contact Information

If you require the Hotel to disclose etc. the retained personal data, please contact us by sending a letter or making a calling on the phone to our representative below:-

The Kitano Hotel Tokyo
General Affair Department
16-15, Hirakawa-cho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0093, Japan
TEL: +81 3 3265 2371

5. Non-disclosure of retained personal data

Any retained personal data will not be disclosed in the event of the following. In the event such non-disclosure has been determined by us, we will notify the person who requested the disclosure with the reason for the non-disclosure. Prescribed handling charge will be required even in the case of non-disclosure.

In the event the address listed in the application does not correspond to the identification documents or the documents registered with us or in the event we are unable to confirm that the relevant request is made by the appropriate person.

In the event we are unable to acknowledge the right of representation with respect to an application submitted by an agent.

In the event the application is incomplete.

In the event any personal information requested for disclosure does not fall under “retained personal data.”

In the event the disclosure of any of the retained personal data threatens to impair the life, health, property, or any other rights and interests of the person in question or any third party.

In the event such disclosure may seriously affect the appropriate implementation of our business.

In the event such disclosure results in the violation of other laws and regulations.

6. Purpose of use of personal information obtained in connection with the request for disclosure etc.

Such personal information as described in the application or any identification document submitted in connection with the disclosure request will be used only to the extent necessary for the response to the disclosure request, including disclosure request-related communication with the person in question or confirmation of any doubtful points arising between the person in question and the Company, if any. The submitted identification documents will be disposed of by the Company in an appropriate manner immediately upon completion of our response to the disclosure request.

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